Buddy Plan
Ninjutsu Shodan Course
Ninjutsu is some much fun to practice
when you have a buddy to study it with!
It has been over 25 years since we established our Ninjutsu BlackBelt Home Study Course Buddy Program into our Bushindo University™ curriculum.
Almost everything we do in life is better when we can share it with a friend.
Ninjutsu is a fabulous path to share with a buddy. Since we started offering a special Buddy Plan in 1999, it has been an incredible hit worldwide.
Having a friend to train with inspires you to keep on going and you get inspired by watching your friend’s life changes as they study this art with you through the Ninjutsu Black Belt Home Study Course.
Acting as a team you can learn the techniques more effectively and encourage each other to try new things that you might not attempt on your own.
We have consistently found that our students who team up with a partner(s) have progressed much faster than those without one – many at over double the normal rate of learning!
Students with training partners also stay in the training longer and rank higher that those who do not get a buddy to train with. If you and your friend plan to test with us either in person or by video (video dvd testing is available up to 1st kyu, the rank just before black belt but the Black Belt test itself must be done in person) then this will be a great deal for you.
If you are studying the Ninjutsu Black Belt Home Study Course together and decide to be tested by another Bujinkan instructor not affiliated with the IBDA Dojo this buddy system program does not apply to you.
Education is first with us. We want our students to get a first class education and to encourage their friends and family to do the same.
Two Buddy Plans to choose from:
Family Members
Buddy Plan
Your spouse and/or children living in the same house with you can also train with your Ninjutsu Home Study Course listed as your buddy (buddies) and do rank advancement testing with us at IBDA without any additional course expense. They will be required upon testing to hold a current IBDA membership. You can go to www.BushindoUniversity.com to do that. This will give them their own IBDA Membership ID Card and certificate plus Ninja Vault access. Each person testing will have their own rank certification fees.
How to sign up your family member:
After they join the IBDA by obtaining the Membership then Register your family members as a buddy of yours by having them fill out the IBDA membership application and send that along with a passport style photo to the Bushindo Office. The membership application can be copied from inside your course binder or you can do this online from inside the IBDA membership Portal at www.BushindoUniversity.com . Once this is submitted to Bushindo your buddy will then be officially coded to your Shodan or Masters course.
Before the Rank Test
Make sure that each person is registered as a buddy with you and that their IBDA membership is current. Follow the instructions above and if you have questions then email us at info@bushindo.com or call or text the Bushindo office at 707-987-9322. Each person testing will be required to pay a separate testing / certification fee, as upon rank advancement they will be issued a personal rank certificate.
The Bushindo UniversityTM Buddy Plan system works up to Shodan black belt level and then after that each person will be on their own separate program (though we recommend that you still study and train together).
Non-Family Members
Buddy Plan
We want to jump start your learning so much that we will offer you an incentive to get a training partner. Find a friend or two to train with you! You both will benefit from this.
If in the first 60 days of your purchase of this IBDA Ninjutsu Shodan Course you get a buddy to sign up we will do for you one of the following:
We give you the Ninja Weapons Beginners Course FREE!
You only pay standard shipping costs ($130 value).
Or we will give your training Buddy the same Complete Ninjutsu Shodan Home Study Course for $100 off the current suggested retail course price. ($100 savings)
You may be asking yourself “Why 2 options?”. Well frankly, some friends have adequate money to purchase a course and for other friends saving $100 is a big deal to them. We appreciate your getting someone else started in the art and want to reward you for it or we both help someone train that may not yet be able too. Everyone wins and we like it when that happens.
The Bushindo University™ Buddy Plan system works up to black belt level and then after that each person will be on their own separate program (though we recommend that you still study and train together).
To sign up your Buddy Contact Bushindo office at 707-987-9322
Remember to also fill out a membership form and e-mail it to us at info@ninjutsu.com.
Buddy Plan Summary
To sum it up, ALL students who wish to learn and RANK TEST with us must either be enrolled for Ninjutsu study at one of our IBDA Bujinkan Dojos or in our Ninjutsu Blackbelt Home Study Course program either as a purchaser of the Course or on a Buddy System.
Testing fees will need to be submitted individually by each person testing. We pay qualified instructors to review each person individually on your submitted ranking review video clip (usually on youtube – private posting). See the how to rank test video in that section on this website. They prepare a written feedback sheet instructing you on how well you did and what exactly you need to improve to get the best progress in your training.
You can train on the Buddy Plan system up to receiving your Blackbelt from us, after which time each person will be on their own separate program (though we recommend that you still study together). Small training groups should consult the IBDA hombu office for details.
We are happy to extend this new program to you and look forward to the day that you are awarded your BlackBelt.
Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals. HAPPY TRAINING!