International Bujinkan Dojo Association
offers you the following opportunity:
Instructor Dojo Training Worldwide
Distant Learning Programs – Online and Physical Courses
Bujinkan Membership card and certificate
Japan Authorized Affiliation with Soke Hatsumi
Strategic Systematized learning system to 10th Dan+
TaiKais, Camps, Seminars, Japan Trips, Private Sessions with Doshi Richard Van Donk.
Shidoshi Training – How to be a teacher
Ninjutsu Dojo Building Course
Largest Ninjutsu Study Reference Library Anywhere
Ninjutsu Study Private Facebook groups
- website and members only area has 100’s of study pages
Rank recognition -Everyone will know your true skill level
No One Offers You More!
Now only $40 a year!!! About 1 cent a day!
Become a Teacher
of the
“Warrior Ways of Enlightenment”
WHAT NO ONE ELSE DOESPractitioners are studying the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu arts worldwide now. The International Bujinkan Dojo Association IBDA has had a strong position in offering the world the teachings of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi for about 40 years now.
We have a dedicated mission to help those without reputable certified teachers in their area have the opportunity to study the art until a teacher develops near them or they become one themselves.
This process, although not always appreciated by those that do not understand our goal and how much we help people with our program, has been highly successful. At IBDA we have worked very hard at creating a trust able standard and a study curriculum that is 2nd to none.
At IBDA we have strived to make our ranks mean that you actually learned something to get them. At IBDA we have worked hard to have a unified organization where every instructor is trained to be an instructor and knows all the material up to their grade.
You may be thinking “Well, isn’t it that way everywhere?” It should be but it is not. Bujinkan ranks do NOT mean the same thing from one dojo to another unless you are with IBDA. All IBDA dojos have a set standard that students learn for a grade. AND they also study whatever they want in addition to the material tested on. No limits!
Hatsumi-Sensei (Now retired) had chosen to have no uniformed organization and no structure to the teachings or to the rank grade system. This freedom is wonderful in so many ways and yet can be a major challenge to an art that grows beyond a few teachers.
You see there has been no qualification of what it means to be a teacher in the Bujinkan. Nor is there any structured study curriculum in the Bujinkan. So untrained instructors can teach whatever they want to make up. There is no set structure for what a rank grade is in the Bujinkan. So the ranks vary so much making it hard to decide on choosing a real good Bujinkan teacher. With IBDA you will go through a Teachers Training Program and become certified.
Because of all these variations in grades unscrupulous Bujinkan instructors go around giving seminars and issue new rank grades to students that they have only met a few hours before. This is harmful to the elated student and the instructor who is now powerless to help guide their own students along the Budo path. I have seen great harm come in this immature and inconsiderate grading method by even high ranked instructors. I personally feel that no one should rank someone else’s student. There is a great meaning to the student-teacher and the art relationship; if not there is no relationship. Call me old fashion if you want. But this is the way martial arts has been handed down for hundreds of years and why I have stuck closely to my teacher, Soke Hatsumi, all these years when others haven’t. Enough said on this.
Here is IBDA’s (International Bujinkan Dojo Association) position
- We offer a solid connect to Soke Hatsumi in Japan, near 40 years of affiliation.
- We offer a well established Organization with students and Instructors all over the World.
- We offer a solid proven strategic study system (tested over 35 years in over 100 countries) taking you from beginner to Master. We offer all of Soke Hatsumi’s study materials, as well as a University of Ninjutsu/Budo Taijutsu studies from Doshi Richard Van Donk both online and in complete Dojo/Distant Learning Courses. Plus forums and a Ninja Vault. Youtube and Facebook Channels.
- We offer a solid proven ranking system. You know what to study for your next grade.
- We Offer you Ninjutsu / Ninpo Taijutsu teachings that are NOT taught in Japan. You learn this first just like Doshi Richard Van Donk did. Then you learn Budo Taijutsu starting at Nidan.
- We offer you a school by school wazas training plus the master principles of Budo Taijutsu.
- We offer you a Teachers Training Course – to become a Shidoshi teacher of the “Warrior Ways of Enlightenment”.
- We offer you an IBDA Teachers Council to help you personally with your lessons both in and out of the dojo. The teachers are called Shidoshi or Shidoshi-ho, a junior teacher. At 5th dan you become a Shidoshi.
- We offer the opportunity when eligible to take the 5th dan, Godan, Sakki test anywhere in the world. Doshi Richard Van Donk has been authorized to administer this test on behalf of Soke Hatsumi. Please note he will only do this for prequalified IBDA students. Your IBDA instructor will let you know. All other need not apply. We do not grade other peoples students.
- We offer private lessons (in person or by Skype), seminars, and Tai kais.
To learn more please visit and to learn more about our art and what we offer you.
See you on the mat,
Richard Van Donk, Doshi
A little more about us….
International Bujinkan Dojo Association™Simply put we are dedicated to creating teachers, (called Shidoshi’s in the Bujinkan Ninjutsu system of Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi. We have established over the last 35+ years what we feel is the most comprehensive Ninjutsu study program available to the general public anywhere in the world.
The International Bujinkan Dojo Association (aka American Bujinkan Dojo) and Bushindo Martial Arts University is the One Stop Shop for Authentic Ninjutsu Information, no one offers more information to the general public than we do. In offering our students a direct lineage to Soke Masaaki Hatsumi in Japan. It was Doshi Van Donk that helped create Hatsumi videos and at one time was the only official Hatsumi (Quest Co. Ltd) video distributor outside of Japan.
We secured English subtitles on Soke’s videos so that you can better understand what he is teaching and now the conversion to DVD is in progress. We also secured distributors for his Japanese and English book titles and hired translators of his Japanese books (both in and out of print). We established a structured step- by- step Ninjutsu learning and ranking system all the way to 10th dan for interested parties.
We have a Ninjutsu forum where students can help each other learn and find training partners. We have a Shidoshi training program and a how to open and run a successful dojo for our affiliated IBDA members. Every licensed iBDA teacher in Ninjutsu must be certified by Doshi Richard Van Donk first as a Shidoshi-ho (licensed instructor) and then as a Shidoshi (Master teacher of the warrior ways of Enlightenment- 5th degree rank is required).
We now have many affiliated training groups and Branch dojo’s and Bujinkan friends (Buyu) all over the world. Hundreds of our students are now Shidoshi (5th dan or above) and a many are Judan (10th degree level). We are proud of that success as it says we are doing many things right.
IBDA’s history began in 1985 with when Doshi Richard J. Van Donk was sanctioned by Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi Soke of the International Hombu Dojo in Japan to help build unity and to spread the teachings of the nine traditions of Ninjutsu throughout the United States and abroad. It began as the American Bujinkan Dojo™, now run by DaiShihan Linda Van Donk, and grew internationally through our long distant courses. We now have students studying worldwide in over 80 countries.
Our mission is to train and to share with as many people as we are able, the art of Bujinkan Ninpo Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Our only prerequisite for training is that the student possess respect for all life, an open heart, an open mind, and a strong desire to learn. Those that do not attempt to cultivate these attributes will not find happiness or success in our school. Please read the rules of the Bujinkan.
This is your guarantee of the quality of teaching. We at the IBDA™ offer authentic Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu (as Soke Hatsumi now calls his martial art) training as practiced in Japan. Doshi Van Donk is a personal student. We have compiled many training tools and unsurpassed learning materials to help you with your training progress.
Also if you are traveling or moving to another area we have a network of friends in the Bujinkan we can direct you to for training. Our network of training friends is growing on a daily basis. Check out the IBDA dojo’s that we have under our Bujinkan Dojo links page on this web site.
Students attending an IBDA™ class or seminar will find a helpful and harmonious family type atmosphere. There is no rivalry because our art is not taught competitively. It is taught and learned by people helping each other to grow in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Students are instructed to maintain the idea of harmony and non-aggression in their daily lives.
You become what you think about and do. Again, balance is what we seek through creating a flexible body, free mind, and an open heart. Our studies reflect that all training is a reflection and journey of the self. We strive to become better human beings through all our actions including our Budo training.
Doshi Van Donk says “To be a protector of peace you must be strong enough to defend peace and resolved enough to be peaceful even in times of challenge”.
The International Bujinkan Dojo Association™ has developed a sound reputation in the Bujinkan organization as well as throughout the martial arts community. We have developed one of the finest methods available today, utilizing self empowerment and Enlightened Warrior™ / Optimal Life Change Technologies to enhance our members progress. To us it’s not the rank you get to but what you personally become in the process.
In keeping with our philosophy of fostering good relations between all martial schools, we willingly accept students from other Bujinkan schools and other martial disciplines as well to train with us in our school, come to camps or to purchase our study materials. Let us grow together as one family of friends.
Happy training!
Doshi Richard Van Donk, IBDA Head of Family
Linda Van Donk, 10th dan – 5th level
Why the International Bujinkan Dojo Association?
Because we are growing so quickly worldwide due to the great success of our distance learning courses, solid dojo building programs for our affiliated training groups and branch dojo’s and Doshi Van Donk’s sharing of his vision of Ninjutsu with students around the world that we now have students who have purchased study materials in over 100 countries. This website has had over 1 million hits per month.
From the very beginning we have been dedicated to creating a standard of excellence in the Bujinkan, great friendships, superb study materials, and solid ranking curriculums that really stand for something. We give rank certification, affiliate dojo opportunities and life changing technologies while doing our best to support other Bujinkan instructors.
So many people around the world keep calling to join us in any way they can. At one time ABD Membership was enough for these folks when they were just beginning. Now, they have established their own training groups and have become instructors themselves and the family is growing. Get on board and grow with us.
What about the American Bujinkan Dojo?
If you’re a dojo in Scotland or South Africa, using the American Bujinkan Dojo™name doesn’t fit very well.
So we have naturally expanded our ABD Association into the International Bujinkan Dojo Association™ to better serve our students in other countries. DaiShihan Linda Van Donk now heads the American Bujinkan Dojo.
We have established standardized protocols for becoming an affiliated training group or branch dojo anywhere in the world. For well over a decade we have had solid ranking and study curriculums that are second to none. Now we are making teacher’s training’s and how to run a dojo programs that are part of our Dojo Affiliate program. Most martial arts practitioners want solid foundations for themselves and their students and 20 years of results tell us this is the only way to go for us. We have built a solid foundation and have become known for excellence in our standards of training. This is what we stand for and you are welcome to join us.
E-mail us at if you want to be on our mailing list to find out more information on your own personal IBDA opportunity.
Keep Training!